What is Silicone? And why do we use it?

Silicone is a synthetic polymer made from silicon, oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. It's widely used in various industries due to its unique properties and versatility.  In its more liquid form it can be used in haircare, skincare & cosmetics.

At rePlated, we use silicone to enable our reusable food containers to seal and reduce leaking during transportation. By weight our Mealbox consists of 2.5% removable silicone - and this important feature is removable by design because of what it is and what happens to it at end of life.

Silicone is an unusual  material - often marketed as ‘natural’ it is not really what a consumer would understand as natural. It has some great qualities, but also some less desirable ones.

Benefits of Silicone

Silicone offers numerous advantages:

  1. Durability: Resists degradation from heat, cold, and UV radiation

  2. Flexibility: Maintains elasticity over a wide temperature range

  3. Non-stick properties: Ideal for cookware and food storage

  4. Water-resistance: Excellent for sealants and waterproofing applications

  5. Chemical inertness: Safe for food contact and medical uses

  6. Heat resistance: Withstands temperatures from -60°C to 250°C or higher (so great in dishwashers, microwaves)

Limitations of Silicone

Despite its benefits, silicone has some drawbacks:

  1. Environmental persistence: Doesn't biodegrade easily

  2. Recycling challenges: Requires specialized facilities for proper recycling - which do not seem to exist

  3. Potential for microplastic formation: Can break down into small particles over time - while not ‘microplastics’ they may mimic them. More research is needed

  4. Absorption of odours: Over time silicone can take on smells/stickiness and actually does not last anywhere near as well as conventional plastic.

Recycling Options

We're committed to reducing the environmental impact of our silicone products:

  1. Product design: We create durable, long-lasting products that minimise waste through reuse

  2. Recycling partnerships: We work with specialised recyclers, like TerraCycle to process our silicone waste

  3. Research and development: We're exploring more sustainable alternatives and improved recycling methods

While silicone isn't a perfect material, its unique properties make it valuable in many applications, including our Mealbox. We continue to balance its benefits with environmental considerations, always working to use silicone responsibly and sustainably.

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